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By flight attendants, for flight attendants.


Most contributors to Canadian French for Flight Attendants (Français Canadien pour Agents de Bord) are currently flying as flight attendants for major airlines in Canada.

We were inspired to create a French course for flight attendants when we saw our unilingual colleagues struggling to learn French for years, even decades, spending copious amounts of time and resources on airline French courses and/or external French programs. Without French, they were often unable hold the flying and the schedules that they wanted. They've told us that they struggle with impromptu French announcements and conversations with passengers and that they lack practice listening to French and speaking with confidence.

We’ve seen airline recruiters struggle to hire enough bilingual (French/English) flight attendants outside of Quebec. At the same time, we've seen the fierce competition among applicants, many of whom try for years to get hired, but are passed over for other applicants who do speak French.

Most of our flight attendant contributors are native francophones. We also have fully French-qualified anglophone flight attendants, who’ve had to face the challenges of learning French as a second language, like many of you.

Our team also consists of professional French educators (Bachelor's degree in Education: French as a Second Language). We live and are based across the country (YYC, YYZ, YUL, YQB).

We are language enthusiasts, having experience learning other languages (Spanish-Español, German-Deutsch, Hebrew-עברית, Arabic-العربية, Mandarin-普通话, Japanese-日本語, American Sign Language).

We know what kind of French you need to be hired and to work as flight attendants.

What kind of French do you need to pass a flight attendant French test?  

How do you greet passengers and help them with their bags in French? How do you tell a passenger what kind of drinks and snacks you have to offer? How do you explain to a passenger how to make a tight flight connection?

How would you translate pilot announcements about destination weather? How would you advise passengers of air traffic control delays? How would you keep passengers informed during an airplane mechanical delay?

With over 30 collective years of flying experience, we know what kind of French flight attendants need for the job.

Special thanks to: Valérie, Louis-Carl, G.D., Laurie, Marie-Claire, Daniel, Renée, Léa, Robert.

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