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Writer's pictureFlight Attendant Phrases

Can you stow your bag under the seat in front of you, please?

English: Can you stow your bag under the seat in front of you, please?

French: Pouvez-vous ranger votre sac sous le siège devant vous, SVP?

As you’re preparing the cabin for departure or for landing, you may see someone still holding onto a bag on their lap. These bags need to be stowed for take off and landing. You can suggest they put the bag under the seat in front of them, if there’s space.

Vous pouvez=You can.

Pouvez-vous?=Can you?

Pouvez-vous ranger?=Can you stow?

Votre sac (m)=Your bag


Le siège (m)=The seat

Devant vous=In front of you

Pouvez-vous ranger votre sac sous le siège devant vous, SVP?


Want to learn to speak the French you need to work as a flight attendant? Learn even more with Canadian French for Flight Attendants.


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