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Writer's pictureFlight Attendant Phrases

Delayed, Cancelled (anglicisms)

English: Delayed, Cancelled

French (anglicisms)=Délayé, Cancelé

Anglicisms are common in European French and Canadian French alike, both in colloquial and formal contexts. However, the anglicisms that European francophones use tend to be different than the ones that Canadian francophones use.

Here are a couple Canadian French anglicisms that you’d likely hear as a flight attendants. You’ll often hear your francophone colleagues and passengers alike say ‘’délai (m)” instead of “retard” and “délayer/délayé” instead of “retarder/retardé”.

The word “délai” is a real word in French. It looks similar to “delay”, and though it technically does not mean “delay”, many of your colleagues and passengers will use it to mean “delay”. The word “délayer” also exists in French but is very obscure and no dictionary will define it as “to delay”.

“Cancelé’’ is another anglicism you’ll hear for “cancelled” instead of “annulé”. “Cancelé” is not a word you’ll find in any French dictionary.

Our Canadian French for Flight Attendants audio course teaches formal French expressions but will also teach informal anglicisms like “délayer” and “canceler”. Your French Canadian passengers will inevitably use non-standard terms like these with you, regardless if they’re technically right or not, simply because it’s natural for them, and it’s important that you understand them when they do.


Module 3 of Canadian French for Flight Attendants is available. Learn the French that flight attendants commonly use on the job: greet passengers, stow bags, drink and meal orders, duty-free service, seat changes, wheelchair requests, weather announcements and much more!

Modules 1 and 2: French basics and pass your flight attendant French test.


Flight Attendant Souvenirs. Souvenirs d’un agent de bord. Nagano, Japan. February 2015. Nagano, Japon. Février 2015. These are the ski hills near Nagano (Shiga Kougen), where many ski events of the 1998 Winter Olympics took place. By “near”, I mean a two-hour bus ride. There are multiple interconnected peaks, meaning you could go up the lift, ski down the other side and then go up the lift for the next peak. There’s a bus system that shuttles back and forth from the base of the first peak to the base of the last one. I don’t ski very well, so I was quite happy to stick to the bunny slopes and snow plow my way down.


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