English: Engine/Motor
French: Moteur
Mechanical issues can involve various parts of the aircraft. When mechanical issues occur, your pilots may make an announcement describing the problem and which part of the aircraft it affects. Nevertheless, their explanation will usually be simple. Flight attendants and most passengers alike will not understand technical details of a mechanical issue, so trying to explain the technical details will not be very productive. Passengers tend to care more about how this mechanical issue will affect them. How long will the delay be? Will it be a quick fix or will it take a long time? Will this cause the flight to be cancelled?
As such, your French translation of the mechanical issue need not be too technical or detailed either. For example, if the mechanical issue has to do with the airplane’s engines, we can simply tell passengers that there’s a mechanical issue with the engines without delving into the technical details.
In French, we can use the generic term “moteur” (m) for “engine” or "motor".
Module 3 of Canadian French for Flight Attendants is available. Learn the French that flight attendants commonly use on the job: greet passengers, stow bags, drink and meal orders, duty-free service, seat changes, wheelchair requests, weather announcements and much more!
Modules 1 and 2: French basics and pass your flight attendant French test.
Flight Attendant Souvenirs. Souvenirs d’un agent de bord. Fukuoka, Japan. February 2015. Fukuoka, Japon. Février 2015. Heading south, I changed trains in Fukuoka and had a few hours to explore the city’s temples and parks.