English: It’s snowing.
French: Il neige.
Flying in the winter months in Canada (and elsewhere in the world), this is one you'll need to translate fairly often.
As with “il pleut” “it’s raining”, we also have the analogous expression “il neige” “it's snowing.”
“Il” once again functions as the impersonal pronoun “it”. The verb is “neiger” “to snow” and conjugated with “il”, it becomes “il neige.” As mentioned in the previous post, you may instead hear the noun “pluie” (f) instead of “il pleut”. Similarly, the noun “snow” happens to be “neige” (f) as well, and you may hear the noun form more often than the verb form “il neige”, which can also sound a bit "textbooky", like “il pleut”. "Il neige" is still technically correct and fine to use.
Our Canadian French for Flight Attendants audio course opts for the more versatile noun form “neige”(f) for our snow-related translations.
Want to learn to speak the French you need to work as a flight attendant? Learn even more with Canadian French for Flight Attendants.
Seoul, May 2019. Séoul, mai 2019. Pictures from two Buddhist temples in Seoul: Bongeunsa and Jogyesa, the former featuring the large Buddha statue, and both beautifully decorated with colourful lanterns.