English: Some (light) turbulence near Winnipeg
French: Des turbulences (légères) près de Winnipeg
Instead of a smooth flight, your pilots might announce that they’re expecting some turbulence.
Turbulence (f)=Turbulence
Léger (m)/légère (f)=light (not heavy)
“Turbulence” in English is used in the singular, but in French, you’ll usually see “Turbulences” in the plural.
Your pilots may specify “light turbulence” or “a few (light) bumps”. French has a word for “bumps” as well, but we recommend keeping it simple and translating both as “light turbulence” “turbulences légères”.
The captain might specify where during the flight you’ll expect turbulence, when you fly over or fly near a certain area or city, for example. Keeping the translation simple, you can just translate that you’re expecting turbulence “near” or “close to” a city. In French, we say “close from” “près de”.
Près de Winnipeg=Close to Winnipeg
Près de Groenland=Close to Greenland
Nous prévoyons des turbulences légères près de Winnipeg.
As a side note, “Léger” is also a relatively common French-Canadian family name. Throughout our Canadian French for Flight Attendants audio course, we use many French first and last names, allowing you to hear them and learn how to pronounce them correctly. Being able to pronounce your passengers’ names correctly will help show dedication, professionalism, and respect.
Want to learn to speak the French you need to work as a flight attendant? Learn even more with Canadian French for Flight Attendants.
Flight attendant souvenirs. Souvenirs d'un agent de bord. Taipei, Taiwan 2014. Taipei 101, also known as Taipei World Financial Center, is one of the most recognized structures in the city and one of the tallest buildings in the world.
