English: The flight time is two hours thirty minutes.
French: Le temps de vol est de deux heures trente minutes.
One common piece of information that pilots announce is the flight time. This is one way you can use to include it in your translation.
Temps (m)=Time
Vol (m)=Flight
Heure (f)=Hour
Minute (f)=Minute
Le temps de vol=The flight time (literally: the time of flight)
Le temps de vol est de deux heures trente minutes=The flight time is two hours thirty minutes
Notice in French, we must literally say “The flight time is *of* two hours…” “Le temps de vol est *de* deux heures…’’
Le commandant annonce que le temps de vol est de deux heures trente minutes.
This is the formal way that airlines want you to translate this announcement, ensuring that your sentence is complete and grammatically correct. In our Canadian French for Flight Attendants audio course, you’ll notice we teach a simpler way of announcing flight time, avoiding verb conjugations altogether, which is more acceptable for spoken French.
Want to learn to speak the French you need to work as a flight attendant? Learn even more with Canadian French for Flight Attendants.