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English: Some water, please.

French: De l'eau, s'il vous plaît (SVP).

Here's a common phrase passengers will say to you when you ask what they would like to drink.

Note that in writing, s'il vous plaît (please) is usually abbreviated as SVP.


Learn other flight attendant French phrases and much more with Canadian French for Flight Attendants. Special pre-launch trial price for Module 1.

English: Something to drink?

French: Quelque chose à boire?

Here's one that flight attendants use very often when doing service. As a complete sentence, you might say in English "Would you like something to drink?" Likewise, in French, you might say "Désirez-vous quelque chose à boire?" Literally "Do you desire something to drink?"

But because this is something we say very often, in English, then in French, we often shorten both to "Something to drink? Quelque chose à boire?"


Learn other flight attendant French phrases and much more with Canadian French for Flight Attendants. Special pre-launch trial price for Module 1.

English: Window seat. Aisle seat.

French: Siège côté fenêtre. Siège côté couloir.

You may want to specify to the passenger whether their seat is an aisle or window seat, or they may sometimes ask you as they board.

Siège (m)=Seat

Côté (m)=Side

Fenêtre (f)=Window

Couloir (m)=Aisle


Learn other flight attendant French phrases and much more with Canadian French for Flight Attendants. Special pre-launch trial price for Module 1.

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